In my opinion, number one tips to manage geek is – Just like any professionals that require creativity to complete their project – It is important to respect and appreciate their efforts and thoughts. Give them rooms to be creative. 8) Be realistic. Let’s face it – at least 20% of my time is spent on shit like reading /. and other such stuff – let me do it without having to fear that I’m going to lose my job because I need a mental floss break. I’m going to do it anyway, so why not let me do it without stress? Even better – FAR BETTER – let me work on something that is blue-sky stuff for 20% of my time. One place I worked at actually bought me animation/3D design software to use and encouraged me to take up to a day a week to work on it – on their dime. It wound up coming back to them 10-fold: when they were updating their website, and needed a bunch of wireframes of various products to be created and converted to Flash, they had me on staff to do it, and saved a boatload of money not hiring an outside agency. I got to have fun and learn something new, and they made some money. Yay for everyone!… Best Way to Manage Geeks? – [Slashdot]