You may doubt it and think only the lucky ones live like that, but the following list is going to change your mind. You can build the ideal lifestyle and turn your dreams into a reality, if you do these remarkable things with your life (and stick to them). It takes time, energy, courage and dedication. But you’re not alone. Everyone else has goals like these and fights a thousand small battles each day. But whether or not you become a winner depends on your consistency. Start by doing these 8 things. They are what can change the course of your life and take you in the direction you’re meant to follow.
1. Find your passion
One of the most beautiful things for me is to see the look of a person who’s found their passion. There’s such contentment, determination and peace in their eyes that you just can’t help but stay there and admire them. People who follow their passion live a life of satisfaction, inspiration and joy. They’ve managed to find it, do something in order to make it a permanent part of their lives and, hopefully, make money and help others at the same time. Your passion is what makes you feel alive and forget about time, it’s the thing you love doing and the activity that makes you happy. To find it, you need to follow your heart and listen to your instincts, to notice the things that move and inspire you. Then make the best of it.
2. Do everything with a purpose
There’s no point in the things we do if there’s no purpose behind them, if we don’t really want to do them and just feel obligated to. So think again before you keep doing what others tell you, before you complete all the tasks on your to-do list and before you do what others do or what is considered right, although you don’t agree with it. If you do something it must have a purpose: it may help you improve and grow, help you or others live a better life, etc.
3. Get in the best shape possible
We can spend centuries going from one diet to another, buying gym memberships, reading about nutrition and healthy lifestyle, hiring people to help us stick to our programs, buying supplements and other stuff that is known for helping people get fit fast, losing some weight then gaining it again, starving for days then overeating, etc. But without committing to getting in shape and taking control over our habits, we will never become successful in other areas of our life or feel happy and satisfied in general. So take the decision to do it right this time. Plan, start small and do something each day to get 1% closer to your goal.
4. Give
In good and bad times, when you have a lot and when you have nothing, when you are happy and when you are depressed, remember to be there for others. Life is nothing if we don’t share, help and give. That’s the ultimate contentment. Because after that we get twice as much. Become a remarkable person – someone people would love to be with and will respect and be inspired by – by always giving instead of taking. There’s always something to give. And expecting nothing in return makes it the ultimate good deed. Not to mention the unbelievable bliss you feel once you see how you help people, how you change their lives and how grateful they are.
5. Break free from your comfort zone
We are all used to doing the same thing every day, to living in a safe environment, to being average but being alright with that. But all that security and peace are an illusion. And nothing new and exciting ever happens in that circle. So go out there and challenge yourself whenever you meet the opportunity. Each day try something new, do something that scares you or just accept challenges. This way you’ll expand your limits and see things from another point of view. You’ll become an interesting person, who’s not afraid of anything and is always ready for adventures.
6. Hack your life
For everything in life there’s a simpler, easier and faster way to do it. Learning new languages, getting fit, achieving your goals, making money, changing your habits, conquering your fears, becoming an extrovert, etc. – these are just some of the things you can do in no time and with less effort than you think. You will need total dedication, of course, but there are so many resources out there that are absolutely free, which can help you with that. Also, so many people that have done it before you share their tips, the steps they took and the problems they encountered.
7. Learn how to enjoy life
Living in the moment, truly experiencing it, being grateful about it and focusing on what you have right now is an attitude that can change your world. Just concentrating on your current activity and doing it with joy is something that can give you a much better result and make you a happier person. Never take anything for granted and learn how to enjoy each moment and live in the now. Then you’ll have a fulfilling life.
8. Use the power of attraction
Everything in the world consists of energy, and we are human magnets. So the moment you focus your thoughts on something, the whole universe does everything possible to give you events, things and people that are at the same energy level. So if you are positive, know exactly what you want and concentrate on that all the time, you can make your dreams come true. Never underestimate the law of attraction as it’s the most powerful law in the universe. What you think, you attract and become. So let go of fears, doubts, negative thoughts and worries. And focus on the good things and goals of yours. Think about these 8 items and decide whether you’re ready to make these changes and start living a remarkable life. But always know that it’s up to you. You can be happy, and you can be miserable. It’s all a matter of choice. And I believe we can all make the right choice. Featured photo credit: 42andpointless via