Intelligence doesn’t always present itself in the form of book smarts or prowess in a particular academic field. Intelligence can also be found in practical skills, musical ability, even athletics. Intelligence is multifaceted and complex, which means that it applies to many more people than you might initially think. People often think that they aren’t smart simply because they don’t fall into a specific category; that’s not true at all! So even if you don’t feel like you’re smart, read these 7 signs that indicate you are smarter than you think you are and face the day with confidence.

1. You’re hard on yourself.

One of the most frustrating things that could happen to you is not being able to understanding something. For smarties like you, it’s incredibly annoying to come across something you don’t get right off the bat. How come? Because things usually come easy for you. So when something isn’t readily apparent to you, you feel badly about your own intelligence.

2. You’re tuned in.

Smart people are usually pretty tuned in to the world around them insofar as they read and watch the news. You likely keep up on current events somewhat, even if that means simply scrolling through your Twitter feed. You like to know what’s going on around you, and you like to understand the issues that are facing the country and the world today. Even if it’s a cursory interest, it’s there.

3. You’re misunderstood.

Maybe your humor was too sophisticated. Maybe your vocabulary was too advanced. Whatever the situation, it’s common for intelligent people to be misunderstood by those around them. It’s no fault of yours; it’s just the way smart people go through life. You’re constantly explaining yourself to others. And that brings me to my next point…

4. Your friends are smart.

Smart people tend to surround themselves with other smart people. After all, who wants to hang around with a bunch of people who don’t understand your jokes? Your friends understand you and can relate to you, so you’re just as smart as they are. And since your friends are, well, your friends, you think highly of them. They think just as highly of you!

5. You have high expectations for yourself.

Smart people are expected to do great things. Even as children, smart people are placed in advanced classes and given higher level reading materials. Because of this, smart people tend to have big plans in their futures. Whether that be to go to a certain college or follow a certain career path, you’re likely planning big things for yourself down the road. Maybe you want to expand your business or come up with a new strategy for an athletic team. Whatever your goal, you expect to achieve it.

6. You like games.

Many smart people enjoy games because they’re things to be figured out. For instance, many intelligent people enjoy filling out crosswords and playing card and board games. These games require thinking and concentration, which appeals to smarties like yourself. Games are great because they’re stimulating. When you’re playing a game, you’re thinking, even in your down time! This is especially true for people who work with their hands and are in the business of fixing or building things. Everything is a puzzle.

7. You’ve been told you’re smart.

Honestly, many smart people don’t like to think of themselves as smart because it’s almost a social no-no to do so. It’s like you’re bragging on yourself, when, in reality, you’re simply stating a fact. What is the number one way to know that you’re smart? People have told you that you’re smart. Intelligence gets a lot of attention, especially in work and classroom settings. So embrace your braininess and enjoy life in the smart lane! Featured photo credit: Pedro Ribeiro Simões via