1. They Make Sure to Get Good Quality Sleep

Sleep is a cornerstone of mental and physical well being. The time spent sleeping is not as idle as it might seem. During a good night’s rest, the body can direct its energy towards healing and repairing the system. It releases growth hormones to help repair wounds and create new cells, and there is even evidence that a good night’s rest can help keep your weight in check because of hunger-regulating hormones. In addition, the brain uses this time to recuperate and to store important information. To start getting better rest, create a quieter, more comfortable sleeping area. Set a time for winding down at least an hour before your bedtime. Avoid bright lights and, especially, computer monitors or lights from other electronic devices. Many people find meditation or gentle yoga routines to be helpful for relaxing the body and calming the mind before bed.

2. They Eat a Great Diet

There are many different opinions on what counts as the healthiest diets, but healthy people nearly always focus on eating a lot of vegetables, avoiding artificial preservatives and limiting processed foods and sugar. Eating clean helps your body get the nutrients it needs without the potentially toxic additives. The excuse many people have for eating junk food is that healthy meals take too long to prepare. If your days are chaotic and you feel you don’t have the time to indulge in healthy eating, consider signing up for healthy delivered meals at home or office. Healthy meal delivery is more than just a convenience. It can keep you on track and help you avoid the temptation of skipping meals or eating fast food.

3. They Learn and Practice Stress Management

Unchecked stress takes a rapid and measurable toll on the body. Cortisol, adrenalin and other stress hormones are beneficial during emergencies because they help a person fight or flee from danger. However, these hormones are destructive to the body over time, such as during periods of chronic stress. Stress cannot always be avoided, and so healthy people learn ways to manage their stress. Relaxation exercises, breathing techniques, journaling and talking with loved ones are a few techniques you can use.

4. They Maintain a Balanced Outlook

Negativity can seem pervasive in the world at times. Healthy people ensure they focus on positive things as much as, or at least more than, the negative. In this way, they can maintain a healthy mental balance and avoid becoming consumed by the sadness and despair in the world. One way to incorporate this into your life is to seek out positive news stories or contribute positively to the world by helping others in some way.

5. They Nurture Relationships

It is okay to be alone, and it is important to take time out when you need to. However, healthy people also nurture relationships with others. Healthy social interaction has been shown to boost mood and quality of life. Find ways to spend more quality time with other people and you will see a difference.

6. They Take Time Out

Everyone needs time to recharge. A healthy person takes this time with the understanding that it is a necessity and not a luxury. By taking a break and spending time self-nurturing, you will have the energy and desire to show the world your best self.

7. They Use Exercise to Care for the Body

For the healthy person, exercise isn’t necessarily more enjoyable than it is for others. However, they know that the benefits of sticking with an exercise routine far outweigh the consequences of a sedentary life. The body is made for movement, and without some exercise, deterioration is inevitable. Switching to a healthy lifestyle can feel challenging because you’ll experience a lot of daily changes. Take small steps in the beginning and it will be easier not to feel overwhelmed and give up. Remember that anything new is a challenge in the beginning, but you can do it. Featured photo credit: Jenny Hill via unsplash.com