1. You can complain to him about other people.

He’s almost like an “agony aunt” you can go to him when somebody’s annoyed you and he won’t judge you, in fact he’ll even join in. You’ll even create little characteristics and nicknames for people when you’re speaking about them.. “So Amy came in today.” “The one with nice hair but walks a bit funny?”

2. He makes a hangover less painful.

The day after a night out when you’re feeling a little worse for wear is even (kind of?) enjoyable. This day is spent with you both in your pyjamas, Netflix on, holding a cup of tea and a bacon butty and laughing about the events of the night before. “Did you see Sarah getting with that weird bald guy who had a Star Trek tattoo?”

3. You send a picture.. the uglier, the better.

Long gone are the days of applying a bit of lippy or a smudge of foundation to make yourself look better for a shameless Snapchat selfie. The sillier the face, the funnier it is! You’re comfortable with him – he’s seen you without make up, slightly (majorly) drunk, and even hungover with one eyelash on your eye and the other stuck to your cheek and guess what? He still loves you!

4. He looks after you when your on your period.

He might not understand the torture of bleeding for 4 days in a month and the horrible cramps and cravings for chocolate that come with it but he’s there. Ready with a good film, a lot of loving and a vast amount of carbs. And if he’s an extra good boyfriend, he might even nip to the shop for you for extra stock if you give him the puppy dog eyed look.

5. He’s easy going.

Why are men so relaxed and calm about everything?! Do they not realize that we’re 10 minutes late or that we have an exam tomorrow? Unfortunately for us girls we do get anxious and we do worry which is why it’s great to have a guy there. He calms you down and puts everything into a more positive perspective and has a more relaxed view on things. Hurrah!

6. He compliments you.

Isn’t it great receiving compliments? One nice comment and suddenly your day seems a lot brighter. You put on an outfit you haven’t worn in a while and inside your worrying that it didn’t look as nice the first time you wore it but fear not there’s a gentle voice on your bed with the sweet words “You look really nice today babe.” Brownie boys for you Mister Boyfriend.

7. You don’t have to impress.

You’re at complete ease with him, you don’t feel like you have to put on an act or be somebody you’re not. Whether it be a day watching films together in sweats or a romantic meal at a nice restaurant, every date is a good one when it’s with him regardless of the price.