1. They think that coddling is bad for your health.

Straightforward people love people but they don’t love them too much. To love ’em more, you’ve got to love ’em less. It’s one thing to shower people with love but at a certain point it’s damaging. People can be so loved that they’re ruined. This isn’t healthy for you or anyone. Straightforward people get it. They want to empower people and teach non-dependence. They’ll toughen you up in the best hard love way.

2. They create a better world by telling the truth.

They speak honestly. If a sensitive person is offended by the truth it’s not because it was offensive. It’s because the truth sucks to hear. Not just for sensitive people, but for everyone. It’s how we process information that separates people who get better and those that stay complacent. Use difficult information to figure things out and get better.

3. They are honest not in a mean but in a funny way.

They are so honest, it’s refreshing and actually humorous. To call out the white elephant in the room is awesome. Otherwise it’s awk. Ward. Some people like to beat around the bush, but why not get to freedom sooner than later? Communication is awesome!

4. They strike while the iron is hot.

They are blunt and speak of things in the heat of the moment. The only time when it matters to say something at all! Sometimes it’s because it’s fueled by sheer passion and excitement. And sometimes this can be too much for people to handle but the best way to get a point across is at that moment that it matters, not when everyone has gone home and the moment is gone.

5. They understand that communication is the answer to unanswered questions.

They cut to the chase. The faster you get to your point, the better. Ask questions, if you want answers. No need for speculation and wonder. Straightforward people don’t walk around with a bunch of baggage and unfinished business.

6. They acknowledge that life is short.

They live in the now, not the past or the future. They don’t spend time day dreaming about “what if’s.” They don’t like small talk or day dreaming. They’re after progress and they know moving forward requires understanding current realities.

7. They see that anything is possible.

They shoot it straight. They make things happen. They know that there are no roadblocks, only detours. When you are alive and aware … asking questions, communicating .. you are likely to move along further than others that get stumped too quickly.

8. They also see that everything is negotiable.

They don’t function in a box. They are not constrained by lines. They operate their life outside of the box. They do this for survival, not just for the sake of being different. They color outside of the lines because they know that even dire mistakes can have triumphant endings. It takes a mighty strong person to see what needs to be done or said and to do it no matter what the consequence.

9. They would never live in denial.

Straightforward people wear their heart on their sleeve and hope you would too. They don’t believe in secrets, they don’t like hoarding information. They speak what they know. This makes life so much easier.

10. They have a thick skin which is earned.

They embrace honesty. They’re tough and resilient. They don’t take things personally. They’ve let themselves become comfortable with rejection so that it doesn’t hurt, it helps.

11. They know that hard love is real love.

They tell people what they don’t want to hear. They aren’t afraid to hurt people’s feelings to help them if it’s for their own good. They are like coaches pushing you when you are stuck.

12. They also get that some people don’t respond to barking.

They get that there is a certain finesse, getting people to the truth. They have to learn how to translate this to certain personalities in different ways. At the end of the day, the truth is hard to handle and delivering the truth is an art.

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