2. Juicing can give you more energy.

When you juice, you are basically getting the part of the fruits and veggies that have all of the vitamins and nutrients out of the fruit itself. When you drink your juice you are going to be loading your body up with all of these vitamins that will help your body to get going. If you need an energy boost fast, I recommend a green juice, like this one from all-about-juicing.com:

Energy boost

1 Orange, peeled 4 apples, cored 1 handful of Kale

Combine these three ingredients in your juicer, and serve immediately!

3. Juicing can help you sleep better.

Juicing the right fruits and veggies can help you to sleep better. Fruits like cherries, kiwi, oranges have melatonin in them, a hormone that helps the body to sleep. A study done by Louisiana State University showed that adults who drank 8 ounces of tart cherry juice twice a day got an average of 90 minutes more of sleep per night.

4. Juicing can help you focus better.

Drinking green juices can help you feel more alert and energized, thus helping you focus better. If you drink juices, instead of coffee or energy drinks you will not get that dreaded sugar crash in the middle of your day.

5. Juicing can help you live longer.

Drinking fresh juices regularly is essential to keep up on your health. Fruits and vegetables are natures medicines. Consuming them regularly will help keep your blood pressure down, keep your blood sugars regular, and even prevent cancer.

6. Juicing can help you detox.

If you have been on a junk food binge, juicing can help you fix that. A juicing cleanse is the perfect way to clear out all of the toxins from your body. It will flood your system with vital nutrients, and help you to feel great again! Fromthegroundupwellness.com has a great detox juice recipe that you should try!


4 stalks celery 4-5 dinosaur or lacinato kale leaves 1 green apple one big handful of flat leaf parsley leaves (if parsley is too spicy for you, use basil) 1 lime 1 lemon 1″ piece of fresh ginger

7. Juicing can help combat dehydration.

If you are like me, remembering to drink enough water can be quite a chore. If you juice regularly, you can help stay hydrated, as long as you juice fruits and veggies with a high water content. Try this hydrating recipe from fromthegroundupwellness.com:


3 leaves kale, destemmed 3 stalks celery 1 green apple 1 medium cucumber 1″ piece of ginger 1/2 lemon, peeled 1 medium carrot (optional)

8. Juicing can help you to lose weight.

If you need to lose some extra weight, juicing can most certainly help you do that. Juicing can help curb cravings, and it makes a much healthier, tasty alternative to most unhealthy snacks. It is also easy to digest, which we will talk about next. If you want to try a super yummy juice for weight loss, try this recipe from rebootwithjoe.com:

A Green Juice for Weight Loss

1/4 pineapple 4 kale leaves 2 celery stalks 4 large leaves of lettuce 1 handful of flat parsley 1 handful of curly parsley 1 lemon 1 inch (2.5 cm) piece of ginger 1 inch (2.5 cm) piece of turmeric 1-2 chilli’s

9. Juicing can help your digestive system.

If you suffer with indigestion issues, Juicing could be a good solution for your problem. If you suffer from indigestion, you should give this recipe from thefitindian.com a try:

Pear, Celery and Ginger

1 big pear 2 celery Stalks 1 inch piece ginger

Peel and remove the seeds of the pear and cut it into rough cubes, chop the celery and add all the three ingredients into the mixer; mix well and add some water if the smoothie is too dry. Pour in a tall serving glass and enjoy with a pinch of cinnamon powder on top.

10. Juicing can help bring your family together.

As a personal experience of starting juicing, I have noticed it has bonded my family in a totally different way. We enjoy picking out our fresh produce together, finding, and coming up with new recipes, and even the process of making our juices has brought us together! Doing this as an added family activity can be beneficial for the physical and mental health of children, and teens. It has been shown that kids who have more intact families tend to be happier, have higher academic achievement, and even are less likely to abuse substances later on. To learn more about these benefits check out familyfacts.org. Featured photo credit: CC0 Public Domain via pixabay.com