1. Water Bucket Relay

We love relay races. And what better place to try it than at the cool, summer beach? While the old egg and spoon race can be done, it doesn’t hurt to try out something new — water bucket relay. For this, you’ll need a plastic cup, shell, shovel, or spoon so as to collect water from the sea. Then you run to the bucket to fill it while trying to minimize the spilling of water from the small equipment. It can be played as an individual game or a group game. You will love the challenge as it requires both speed and control — to go as fast as possible while reducing the loss of water. The first to fill the bucket wins.

2. Digging

Old is gold. Or perhaps this digging game will never get old. The main rule is simple: take a shovel and dig as deep as you can. Other rules can be varied as per interest. You can simply test how deep a hole you can dig to decide the winner. See if you can fit in the hole or ask others to do so. Of course, you can try to fill the hole with water to see how deep it is. In the end, it’s about how deep the hole has been dug and how much you have enjoyed.

3. Frescobol

If you are ready for some new action, this game’s for you — it is a combination of racquetball and tennis. Frescobol was created on the beaches in Copacabana, Brazil by tennis players wanting to have some fun on the beach. It evolved from using tennis balls to racquetballs, resulting in a faster paced and more intense game. Like tennis, the game requires two partners who work together to keep the ball in motion with controlled, precise movements that build core strength — all while having a blast. Now a Brazilian beach game staple, Frescobol has started to gain popularity in the States and beyond as one of the hottest new beach sports. To start you will need some frescobol paddles and balls; for the best experience you can use joga paddles.

4. Beach Bowling

This active game can be played by all age groups — little kids or grownups. All you need is “skittles” (bowling pins) and ball. Plastic bottles, cans, or boxes will do for the skittles. Adjust the distance of the skittles for the kids while you can go for the challenge. This improves gross motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

5. Beach Volleyball

The more, the merrier. If you have lots of friends, why not play volleyball? You can always go with real volleyball as most beaches will have a net set up. If not, don’t let it disappoint you. You can always improvise. Take a beach ball and set up your net. That’s it! You are ready to go and start sending the ball across the net.

6. Art in the sand

Why not try something creative straight out of your mind and draw it on the sand? Collect beautiful and colorful shells as much as possible. Now use them to draw a picture or letters or anything abstract that comes into your head. Let your imagination take the lead. Be as creative as possible and use every shell and rock you have.

7. Sandman

One can’t always be tricked by “winter is coming.” It’s Summer — obviously not the season for snowman. But why let winter have all the fun? Be ready to make the snowman’s brother: the sandman. You have all the sand you need. As for eyes and mouths, the beach is adorned with shells and pebbles. Also you can use feathers, or clothes that you have with you. Make your sandman come to life.

8. Musical Spades or Towels

This is a modification of musical chairs, a classic game we all love — the difference being we don’t sit; we just collect spades. Put a number of spades that is one less than the total number of people. Now let them run in circle while we put on our favorite tunes. Connect with speakers for extra fun. The person who doesn’t get the spade is out of the game. Race until one spade is left with the winner. Short on spades? No problem. You can always use towels or clothes.

9. Limbo Dance

Turn this Trinidad-originated limbo dance into a beach version. Make your own bar with whatever you have with you. A jump rope or even boat oar will do as a bar. Take turns limboing under the bar with your back facing the ground. After each round, lower the bar and take your turn again. Make it more exciting by playing some loud music, but keep other vacationers in mind. This will definitely test your balance and entertain you.

10. Balance the Boogie Board

You will need a boogie board for this fun game. Line up near the edge of the water. Then stand on the board with your backs facing the water. The waves will come and you have to balance against the wave without seeing it. The winner will be the one who has balanced till the end. Featured photo credit: Pixabay via pixabay.com